Monday, August 9, 2010

Weekly Weigh In

Well, it's that time of week again. The time when I strip down and stepped on that blessed scale and see if the numbers have moved at all. I already posted that I wasn't expecting much of a loss this week and guess what.

The numbers went down. I know, right?!? I was totally prepared for nothing or for even a gain! GASP! So here we go: This week's weight was 219.6. For a loss of .8 from last week and a total loss of 5.4 lbs.
It's not a huge loss, but I'm ok with that. It's the first time I've seen the scale below 220 in at least two years. Maybe more. I'm working out a lot, maybe too much. All week that scale was stuck at 221 and some change (yes, I weigh myself everyday and multiple times per day ~ don't judge). It seems every time I take a rest day from working out that scale jumps down a bit. I dont' know if it's the lactic acid working it's way out of my body or what. As it is right now I typically workout in some form or another six days a week and rest on Sunday. Afterall, Sunday is the 'day of rest', right?
Maybe I'm over analyzing it, maybe I should just shut up and be happy with my losses! Ok, I'm off to the gym to start my C25K program this morning and to start logging my calories for my August Exercise Party. Jump in ~ the linky will be available all week!!


  1. Your going in the right direction and doing the right things for your body, I'm proud of you. Keep up the hard work and you will see the rewards. xoxoxox

  2. Good for you! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and it will happen!

  3. I agree keep up the exercise. Here's my two cents... that exercise is going to burn fat and build muscle. Muscle will get that metabolism stoked and burning. You will see those rewards! I wish I was as motivated as you to exercise. MY metabolism needs it badly!
