Friday, August 27, 2010

Come Run With Me.....

Would you run with this woman?

We're heading out of my street right now. Look at all of that beautiful green. 17 months of rain each year will do that.....

Ok, we're officially out of my neighborhood. This is where I run....

Punch Buggy!! Oh Yea, baby! Except in my family we don't say "Punch Buggy", we say "Mamma Sue Car!" because my Mother in Law actually drives one of these. It's a game my boy started years ago and it seems to have stuck with us.....

Would you like a snack? I helped myself to a few......

This. This is why I run where I do.....

This house has been for sale since we moved into our house. Five Years Ago.....

I didn't even register......

Do you see that shoulder? It's not a shoulder, it's a "designated walking trail." Sure looks like a shoulder to me.......

Almost done!!! Oh crap, I'm not even close to home yet......

Oh, Phew....time to turn back down into my neighborhood.

~*~Home Sweet Home~*~

Hey Look! Mail!!


  1. It was fun to see where you run. My run would probably be boring. Some days I see roadkill on the roads and have to hold my nose while I run by. There are cows and geese on my runs though.
