Thursday, December 1, 2011

A weigh a day - Day 1

Day 1: 221.6

Ouch. We went out to dinner last night and although I ordered a salad with salsa and only ate half of it, I ate three onion rings and had three diet Cokes. I never drink soda. Never. I'm pretty sure that's why I feel like shit this morning and am retaining water. My nalgene shall be my BFF today.

1 comment:

  1. Fri 2.12.11 (Australia East Coast)
    Height 155cm. (5’ 1”)
    Weight 66Kg (op die kop) better – goal 56Kg
    Ph: 6.2 bad s/b around 7.0 to 7.4 (depends which site you’re on?)
    Walk with Obi Wan 3.07Km
    Oops I seem to be on day 3 ? I know Australia is a day ahead of USA, but how did I get 3 days ahead? Must be all this raw food - he he he
    Poor Ph today reflects zero green smoothie yesterday, although I ate loads of fruit and salads. I'm off to get that liquidiser buzzing for breakfast right now.
