~*~Picture heavy post part deux~*~
The scenery driving through WA state is breath taking. This picture was taken as we were approaching the foothills of the Cascade Mountains.
Look at all of that lush green on the side of the mountain.
More gorgeous green ~ it's beautiful.
Notice anything different? Where did the green go? Eastern WA definitely have a different landscape than the one I'm used to!
But it's no less beautiful. Check out those blue skies, baby. I could feel the Vitamin D soaking through my pores!
Oh the food. There was so much food! This was Saturday night ~ burgers and hot dogs. We did Saturday and Sunday dinners potluck style. I forgot to get a picture Sunday night. Tacos! YUM!
I brought the regular everyday marshmallows. My friend found some that evidently had a steroid problem. Holy Shit!!!!
One of my friends on Facebook thought maybe someone was compensating for something. *snort, giggle, grin*Yes, we are toasting marshmallows over a propane grill. We were in the desert in 100* weather. Burn ban, baby. Smokey the Bear would have been proud.
That's one helluva S'more you have there, ma'am.
I ate one reasonably sized S'more. Little Dude, on the other hand insisted on having one with the mongo marshmallows.
Open wide, buddy!
Whoa, how did these pictures get here? Blogger has been a total pain in my backside today (these two posts are 12 hours in the making!) so I'm not even going to try to move them to where they should be...but the OCD in me is really not happy about this!!
"Daddy, you'll catch me, won't you?""Are you sure?"
"Really Really sure?"
"Alrighty, then. Here I gOooooooo!!!"
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